[Ponte] Production of plastic pots, flowerpots, garden ornaments, kennel and dog houses. Includes information about company, products, production systems, as well as catalog and contacts.
Collection of color coordinated products for long-haired show pets. Bows with pearl, gold or cubic zirconia and matching show leads, latex and wrapping bands, and paper and plastic wraps.
A pet waste removal tool invented by a 10 year old. Features a telescoping handle and uses free plastic grocery bags.
Provides extrusions of all rubber and plastic materials. With in-house design, tooling and manufacturing divisions.
Manufactures custom acrylic products for retail and wholesale. In house screen printing, wood fixturing, prototypes and extruded parts.
Advice and instructions cover house training, commands, leash work, behaviour and tricks.
Research Triangle area of North Carolina. Meet the team, about the sport with videos, and NC House League information.
Pictures of Brandi, web rings, and animal rights banners.
Features photos of dogs, with royalty titles. Includes FAQ and news links.